Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Campaign Begins...

There was a time when men were kind, when their voices were soft and their words inviting. There was a time when love was blind, and the world was a song! And the song was exciting. There was a time...then it all went wrong.

I never thought this day would come - not this event, mind you. I know, I knew, I have always known, that the people of this great land would see fit to call me on me to make good on my promise - dare I say...destiny - and to take on the mantle of The Best President of the United States of All TimeTM.

I just never thought this day would come so soon. I never imagined that my claim to the title of The Best President of the United States of All TimeTM would be at the expense of that man in the red and blue spandex, that superhero, that man we saw during his campaign leaping from building to building, saving children and extinguishing fires all while explaining a budget that made sense - a budget that made you feel good.

So it is with some sadness that I make the following announcement:

I am officially announcing my intention to challenge sitting President Barack Obama in the upcoming Democratic primary. My large and efficient campaign staff is working on crafting a more suitable and specific message for you all and I look forward to explaining my campaign platform more fully.

But I couldn't wait a single day to tell you the great news that we are in this fight together! And that I, your reticent leader, have finally joined you - not in the fray - but high, high above you on a mountaintop, a billowing pinnacle, ready to lead you into the future. And it is with utmost humility that I say that I cannot wait to begin my term as The Best President of the United States of All TimeTM.

In the meantime, I plan to be pro-legislation and stick to my roots. I will also be entertaining ideas for key cabinet positions.

But let's not forget, the most important thing of all:


Sisk4President Campaign HQ
Choose a world for your children