Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Non-State of the Union


Over the past few days, many close friends and colleagues have approached me to discuss my recent announcement to suspend my Presidential campaign. Some have expressed support, and I humbly appreciate that. However, many expressed concern.

They felt I was "letting Obama off the hook" by making my intentions known. A friend I respect very much told me I'd "gone soft" and asked if the next Nero Fiddled show was going to be about butterflies and pixie dust. "How are we supposed to hold our leaders responsible," Eleanor Roosevelt asked, "if you are not willing to rise up against them? Are you giving up the fight? I meant only for you to think of the unity of our party, not lie down in the road like a dog!"

I will not reveal the identities of some of the people who spoke to me in confidence, as many of them are high-ranking public officials and Grammy Award winning pop singers. But it is to them especially that I am writing today.

Please, everyone - rest assured that, whether or not I have chosen to run for President in 2012, I will be as diligent as ever in my quest to bring about stronger democracy here and abroad. I will continue to challenge our elected officials whenever there is injustice in the most efficient and responsible way possible, whether that be through my blog, via my campaign, or in song. I will never give up, no matter who is in the White House, Capitol Building or Supreme Court.

Tonight, President Obama gives his first address to a joint session of Congress. After much cross-aisle sniping, party line votes and the ridiculous posturing of people like Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, it will be interesting to see what Obama does with this time. And it will be interesting to see how the Republican half of the room reacts. And it will be interesting to see how we react - if Obama the President can inspire the feeling of hope and security as well as Obama the candidate did.

We have to listen critically. And we need to be as vocal as ever about what we agree with, what we don't agree with and what we think he outright cannot do as we were about Bush's plans. We need to be MORE vocal and assertive. Because we're not playing defense anymore. We've finally got the ball - how silly would it be let our quarterback run the wrong way?

And, a personal note to HnryKissgr_74: there is no need to be so distraught. We are going to do musicals for many years and there may well be a small part in one of them for you yet!

And remember, everyone, there's always 2016 to look forward to.


Be sure and post your thoughts about Election 2016 below!

1 comment:

  1. finally, more from the mind of SISK.

    i will be reading religiously...
